2020 Disproves the Myths about Proper Nutrition and Diets Not to Provoke Cancer

proper dietMany people worldwide concern greatly about their health. They decide to keep healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, diet. But many people believe every rumor telling nonsense info about how to keep on a diet. As a consequence, many healthcare institutions like CVS, My Canadian Pharmacy, National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institute for Health Information, Lifetime Fitness, Minnesota decided to disapprove the myths about proper nutritions and diets. Those specialists hope people , after reading this article, will be more careful in choosing the “proper diet”. The main recommendation given is to visit a nutritionist to build the right nutrition plan as it is an individual matter. The problem is that people may provoke cancer when having improper diet. If your body doesn’t get enough minerals, vitamins with foods, it may destroy the functioning of the body.

Let’s get acquainted with the myths and try to avoid them.

Myth #1: Calories are just calories that we need to calculate

Many people still believe that high-calorie foods are always the same: be it fast food or homemade cutlets and a potatoe side dish. However, the difference between the sources of calories is still there and should not be neglected. A study by the US National Institutes of Health in May confirmed that processed foods and prepared foods high in carbohydrates increase the risk of overweight. This discovery is consistent with the truth that nutritionists have been repeating for decades: the health of our body directly depends on what we eat. Improper diest may cause the digestive problems up to cancer.

Myth #2: Superfoods are useful

The pursuit of superfoods has reached global rates this year: bloggers, nutritional and organic stores and eminent nutritionists continue to promote superfoods as the only sure way to improve their health. Indeed, cocoa fruits contain flavonoids that protect the body’s cellular health, and blueberries help maintain memory state. But superfoods in the sense that bloggers impose do not exist. It is necessary to take into account the way in which laboratories discover the “magical” properties of berries and mushrooms. They are tested on rodents and reptiles, including huge amounts of the foodstuffs in the diet of the test subjects. Therefore, the results obtained under these conditions are difficult to directly associate with the reactions of the human body.

Myth #3: High fat rate is good for you

Recently, high-fat diets and low-carb ketogenic diets (which, by the way, are contraindicated for diabetics, pregnant and lactating women, people with chronic diseases) have been competing in popularity, offering extreme methods of approach to nutrition that are not suitable for everyone. The consumption of animal fat for those who do not adhere to a plant-based diet is almost mandatory, but depends on the individual body characteristics. Almost all nutritional experts agree that it is best to stick to the vegetable fats found in olive oil or avocados, but refrain from saturated fats, such as those found in cow’s milk, meat, and coconut oil.

Myth #4: Herbal supplements make food more effective

Unfortunately, no method has yet been invented for “fast delivery” of nutrients and vitamins to the body cells. In addition, food is absorbed better when we eat whole foods rather than crushed or powdered. “Grains, vegetables and fruits provide the body with carotene, flavonoids, minerals and antioxidants that most dietary supplements do not contain. The inhabitants of the planet’s so-called blue zones – areas where life expectancy reaches 100 – eat legumes, whole grains and fresh vegetables. The unregulated manufacturing industry in the United States testifies against nutritional supplements: it is almost impossible to determine for sure what exactly is in the capsules that you take in the morning and evening.

Myth #5: one diet is good for all ages

There is no universal diet for all ages. The simplest example – lactose intolerance overtakes a person as they age and change the level of enzymes in the intestine. By the way, researchers cannot yet refute the effectiveness of a diet rich in plant fiber for everyone, without exception. This type of diet includes a large number of vegetables, whole grains and nuts, which help to stimulate a healthy microbiome, on which the normalization of metabolism directly depends.

Myth #6: Detox is a good option for the body

The prejudice that the body cannot cleanse itself is at least dangerous, because it leads to the abuse of products that can result in disorders of the intestinal microflora and malfunctions of the digestive system. Nutritionists advise against detoxing. This is not a task that the body cannot cope with without your help. Our bodies have liver and kidneys to do this job without any diets, which in most cases are inadequately balanced and lacking many important nutrients. The systematic eating of charcoal also belongs to the field of mythology: together with coal, a mass of beneficial bacteria, minerals (potassium, magnesium) and calcium are washed out of the body – the most important participant in cellular metabolism.

After reading these myths, better to understand – only a professional specilist may reccmed doing something for your health. Even healthcare institutions mentioned above cannot be a direct evidence for proper nutrition. Visit a doctor that will help you improve your health in the safest way.